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Wednesday, 26 October 2011

The Connections in Texts

     "In the stories about life after death, the soul often floats above the good-bye moment, hovering above police cars at highway accidents, or clinging like a spider to the hospital-room ceilings."

In the book I am reading "The Five People You Meet In Heaven"the first dramtic occurance is the maitnance worker, Eddie, at the "Ruby Pier, amusmant park" was killed in a fatal accident of a falling ride. On his way to heaven he see's nothing. The text I'm going to connect to from the book "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" is to  the movie "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part two." The connections I have made are both in my book and in the movie. The characters who die meet at least one person in heaven or in death. On the way to the after life or halfway in between there is" nothing". When the" nothing" is gone it is replaced with a familiar scenary.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Out Come for Tim Blake

      I predict at the end of this book Tim Blake with his determination to find his daughter, will find her and bring her home.


"Syd" I said "Syd is that you"(Linwood Barclay, Fear The Worst, page, 275)
       Reading this section of Fear The Worst I figured out how scared Tim Blake actually is for his daughter and how much he loved her before she went missing. When this quote was stated Tim was answering his phone after midnight and when he heard a girls voice he thought it was his daughter and wanted to cry. He misses her a lot. I chose the video Miss You/slipped away by Avril Lavigne  because it is related to the book I'm reading. The song is I miss you and that is what Tim Blake feels, his daughter slipped away from him and he really misses her.

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Friday, 14 October 2011

The Review

       I was always into books written in science fiction form until I started reading Fear The Worst, a suspensful mystery I have come to love. I had always thought mysteries were slow and ended well but, were hard to finish. This book had some slow parts and all books do but, you never knew what was coming on the next page of this amazing book.

The Summary of Linwood Barclay's Fear The Worst

In the town of Milford, Conneticut lived the car sales man Tim Blake. Tim was spending the summer with his daughter Sydney. Sydney was working at the Just Inn Time while living with her father. One strange day she left for work but never came home. Tims whole world is flipped upside down when he goes looking for her in the dangerous perdicament she is in.